| Brand Manual - 2024
Cover images
Cover images are used for high-visibility branding places such as cover pages, landing pages, banners, advertisements, posters, billboards, and more. These brand carriers must always depict the core of the brand. All cover images are characterized by personality, warmth and a dynamic composition. Make sure to keep the brand personality and corporate values in mind when taking these images.
They should always be taken by a professional photographer and are extensively worked on to give them the right tonality and look.
General guidelines
  • Always use warm color tones
  • Use a shallow depth of field to put focus on the subject, leaving the foreground and background blurred
  • When possible use backlight
  • The composition should be natural and preferably include people
  • If depicting products, they should be in a natural setting and, when possible, include people
  • The background and surroundings should be clean, uncluttered and give a positive feeling
Concept images
Concept images depict abstract concepts and ideas, for example, concepts such as IT security, Internet of Things, workflows, marketing concepts, talent acquisitions, and processes. Concept images depicting virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) can be used as cover images. The photos must then follow the guidelines of cover images. For such images used on inside pages, the photos must follow the guidelines for documentary images.
General guidelines
  • Follow the same guidelines for concept images as cover images (given above)
  • Superimpose graphical elements over the photo to bring out the concept