| Brand Manual - 2024
The Edge holds two key elements – the Blueprint and the text. The Edge with a 10% transparency has to be in one of our primary colors –
Atlas Copco blue or white.
Text within the Edge
The Edge must always contain a headline. Additional texts are optional.
Text margin
The outer text margins of the Edge equal the height of the logotype, and the top text margin is equal to half the height of the logotype.
Edge color
The font colors can be either Atlas Copco blue or white depending on the color of the Edge. No other colors are allowed.
Example of the left Edge
Example of the right Edge
Always use templates for a cohesive look.
X = the logotype free space Y = the height of the logotype Z = the height of the logotype + free space

Do Not

  • Tamper with the shape of the Edge
  • Make the Edge solid
  • Place product images, product illustrations and general illustrations on the Edge
  • Use more than one Edge on a surface
  • Use the Edge without the Blueprint
  • Use colors for the Edge other than blue or white